Invitation Writing and its Replies is a short writing for class 12 English Writing section.
What is an Invitation Writing ?
Invitation is a kind of personal notice sent individually to people. Generally it is written on special card to invite someone as guest on some particular / auspicious occasions like like prize distribution day, wedding, birthday, wedding anniversary, house warming, the inauguration of a shop/factory and other events.
Characteristics of Invitations
- The word limit for an invitation should be 50 words.
- Invitation is always written in box.
- Format should be followed in writing invitation.
- Language of Invitation should be simple, attractive and to the point.
- All needed information should be put in an invitation.
- Invitation is the answers of the following questions:- who, whom, when, where, what time and for what.
There are two types of invitations –
1. Formal Invitation
2. Informal Invitation
Formal Invitation
- Features of a Formal invitation are as follows-
- The invitation should be written in third person and not in first or second person.
- Simple present tense is used.
- A polite and courteous tone should be used.
- It is a single sentence presentation.
- No signatures required.
- Dates must be written in letters and you should not use abbreviation. However, date of writing must not be mentioned.
- It ought to explain why the party or event is being held, “to celebrate…” or “to honour…”
- Length as per CBSE guidelines is limited to 50 words.
- It is generally enclosed in a box.
- It should answer to the 6Ws:
- WHO – Name of HOST
- WHOM – Name of Guest
- WHAT- The occasion
- WHEN- Date and time
- WHERE- Venue
.Formal Invitation- Format -1

Formal Invitation- Format –2

- Sunrise Public School , Agra is going to organize Annual Sports Day in the school auditorium on 30th January 2021. You want Mr. Dhanraj Pillai , a noted hockey player to give away the prizes to the budding sports persons of the school. Write a formal invitation in 50 words requesting him to grace the occasion. You are Karuna / Karan, Sports Secretary , Sunrise Public School. Agra.

2. You are Mahesh/Mahak Singh living at 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla. You decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a formal invitation in not more than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home.

3.You are Dhruv/ Deepa living at B- 36 , Sector -10 , Gurugram .Your father Shri D. K. Garg of Gurugram wants you to draft an invitation in not more than 50 words to be sent to all friends and relatives to attend your elder sister’s marriage. Prepare invitation by giving necessary details.


- You are Mahesh / Mahak Singh living at 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla. You decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grandparents on their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a informal invitation in not more than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home.

2. Suresh / Suman living at B-36 , New Town , Agra has cleared the Pre-medical Pre-dental entrance examination. The family is elated at achievement and they decide to have a get – together of all friends. Draft an informal invitation for the get-together.

3. The literacy club of your school, ABC School , Lucknow is putting up the play “ Waiting For Godot”. As a secretary of the club , draft an invitation inviting the famous writer Suresh Gupta to be the guest of honour at the function. Writer the invitation in not more than 50 words. You are Govind / Gauri.


1 – You have received an invitation to be the judge for a literacy competition in St. Anne’s School. Send a reply in not more than 50 words, confirming your acceptance. You are Mohan / Mohini living at 24, West Vihar , New Delhi.

2- One of your friend had cleared the Pre-medical Pre-dental entrance examination and he/she invited you attend a get-together of all friends. Draft a reply to the invitation expressing your acceptance/ refusal to attend the party. You are Alok/Aloka living at B4/15, Ashok Vihar , Phase –II , New Delhi.

4- Your friend, P.V. Sathish, has invited you to attend the wedding of his sister, Jaya. You find that you have an important paper of pre-board examination on the day of the wedding. Thus you cannot attend the event. Write in about 50 words a formal reply to the invitation expressing your regret. You are Puneet/ Puneeta , living at B-3, MayurVihar,New Delhi.

5- Your friend, P.V. Sathish, has invited you to attend the wedding of his sister, Jaya. Write in about 50 words a formal reply to the invitation expressing your acceptance of the invitation. You are Puneet/ Puneeta , living at B-3, MayurVihar,New Delhi.

Very good