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My Mother at Sixty Six Extract based Questions and Answers

CBSE NCERT CLASS 12 ENGLISH FLAMINGO My Mother at Sixty Six extract based MCQ questions and answers

Extract -1

Q. Read the given extract to attempt the questions with reference to context :

but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan,
pale as a late winter’s moon and felt that
old familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
but all I said was, see you soon,
all I did was smile and smile and

1)- Choose the correct option:

In the above extract the narrator feels

(a) Satisfied

(b) Fearful

(c) Nostalgic

(d) Regretful

2)- Identify the word in the extract that means ‘colourless’.

3)- Complete the following analogy correctly :

She sang like a bird : Simile

All I did was smile and smile and smile : …………………….

4) Read the following statement and choose the correct option:

(1) The poet had gone through the security check.

(2) She did not want to look at her mother.

(a) (1) is true, but (2) is false.

(b) (1) is false, but (2) is true.

(c) Both (1) and (2) are true.

(d) Both (1) and (2) are false.

5) What childhood fear is the poet referring to ?

6)- What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?

A) Losing her mother
B) heart attack
C) headache
D) children screaming at her

7)- What question arises from the complexity of the situation in the poem?

A) how to overcome fears
B) how to do one’s duties
C)how to take care of the parents
D) How to strike a balance between duties and responsibilities

ANSWER- (1) (b) Fearful (2) Wan / Pale (3) Repetition (4) (a) (1) is true, but (2) is false. (5)  Fear of separation  from mother & losing her mother  (6) (A) Losing her mother (7 ) (D) How to strike a balance between duties and responsibilities
Extract -2-

Driving from my parent’s
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realized with pain
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away….

1)- Choose the option that best applies to the given extract.

1) a conversation
2) an argument
3) a piece of advice
4) a strategy
5) a recollection
6) a suggestion

a) 1, 3 & 6
b) 2, 4 & 5
c) Only 5
d) Only 1

2)- Choose the option that applies correctly to the two statements given below.

Assertion: The poet wards off the thought of her mother getting old quickly.
Reason: The poet didn’t want to confront the inevitability of fate that was to dawn upon her mother.

a) Assertion can be inferred but the Reason cannot be inferred.
b) Assertion cannot be inferred but the Reason can be inferred.
c) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred.
d) Both Assertion and Reason cannot be inferred.

3)- Choose the option that displays the same literary device as in the given lines

of the extract.
her face
ashen like that
of a corpse…

a) Just as I had I had this thought, she appeared and…
b) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when …
c) I think like everyone else who…
d) I like to think aloud when …

4)- What does the poem revolve around?

A) poet’s fears
B) poet’s love for her mother
C) poet’s journey
D)Theme of advancing age and fears associated with it

ANSWER- (1) (c) Only 5 (2) (c) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred. (3) b) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when … (4) ( D)Theme of advancing age and fears associated with it
Extract -3

looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes, but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
as a late winter’s moon and felt that old
familiar ache…

1)- What is the most likely reason the poet capitalised ‘Young Trees’?

This was to

a) Convey a clearer meaning.
b) Highlight the adj.-noun combination.
c) Enhance the contrast.
d) Draw a connection with the title.

2)- Choose the option that appropriately describes the relationship between the two statements given below.
Statement 1: The poet knows her mother has aged.
Statement 2: The poet feels the pain of separation.

a) Beginning – Ending
b) Cause – Effect
c) Question – Answer d) Introduction – Conclusion

3)- Choose the option that completes the sentence given below.

Just as the brightness of the winter’s moon is veiled behind the haze and mist, similarly, ______.

a) The pain of separation has shaded mother’s expression.
b) Age has fogged mother’s youthful appearance.
c) Growing up has developed a seasoned maturity in the poet.
d) Memories warm the heart like the pale moon in winter.

4)- What do the running trees signify?

A) Fast moving appearance
B) Speed of the moving car
C) Fast moving change in human life from childhood to old age
D) None of the above

ANSWER- (1) c) enhance the contrast. (2) (b) Cause – Effect (3) (b) age has fogged mother’s youthful appearance. (4) A) fast moving appearance

My Mother at Sixty Six – Meaning , Difficult words, Explanation, Summary, Poetic Devices .

Keeping Quiet- Meaning, Difficult words, Explanation, Summary, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

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