Here is CBSE English chapter 5, Indigo summary, theme, question answer class 12 with introduction, background, characters, important topics. Students may check out this content for better understanding of Indigo.
Indigo introduction
“Indigo” is a short story written by Louis Fischer, set in colonial India during the British rule. The story revolves around a farmer named Rajkumar who faces oppression and exploitation from the British indigo planters.
The story of “Indigo” highlights themes of colonialism, oppression, and the struggle for justice. It portrays the resilience and courage of ordinary people in the face of injustice and exploitation. Through Rajkumar’s story, the author sheds light on the harsh realities of colonial rule and the resilience of the human spirit in the fight for freedom and dignity.
Indigo background of the story
Louis Fischer, an American journalist and author, wrote “Indigo.” Fischer was known for his works on international politics and social issues. “Indigo” is a short story that provides insight into the socio-political landscape of colonial India during the British rule, particularly focusing on the exploitation of Indian farmers by British indigo planters.
The story is set in rural Bengal, where indigo cultivation was prevalent during the colonial period. Indigo was a cash crop that was in high demand in Europe for its use in textile dyeing. British planters, with the support of the colonial administration, enforced the cultivation of indigo on the lands of Indian farmers, often through coercive and exploitative methods.
“Indigo” explores the plight of the Indian farmers who were subjected to harsh treatment and forced labor by the British planters. It depicts the resistance and struggle of the farmers against the oppressive system, highlighting themes of courage, resilience, and the quest for justice.
Indigo theme
The chapter “Indigo” talks about how Mahatma Gandhi showed leadership to help people who were treated unfairly. He used talking and discussing to convince others to do what’s right. The chapter shows that good leadership can solve problems without hurting anyone. It tells the story of how Mahatma Gandhi helped poor farmers in Champaran without using violence.
The primary theme of the chapter “Indigo” revolves around colonialism, oppression, and resistance. Here are some key themes explored in the chapter:
- Colonial Exploitation
- Resistance and Defiance
- Courage and Determination
- Solidarity and Unity
- Human Dignity
Overall, “Indigo” explores the themes of colonialism, oppression, and resistance through the lens of a rural Indian community grappling with exploitation and injustice. It underscores the enduring human struggle for freedom, dignity, and justice in the face of oppressive systems of power.
Indigo message
The story “Indigo” shows how the economic system was unfair during British rule in India. Indian peasants suffered while British planters took advantage of them. It also shows why Gandhi’s decision to help them was important. His actions brought attention to the unjust system.
Indigo characters
he characters in the novel “Indigo” by Louis Fischer, which is often studied in Class 12, typically include:
- Mahatma Gandhi: A prominent leader of the Indian independence movement, who champions the cause of the oppressed indigo farmers in Champaran, Bihar.
- Raj Kumar Shukla: A local farmer who invites Gandhi to Champaran and becomes instrumental in bringing attention to the plight of the indigo farmers.
- George Granson: A British landlord who represents the interests of the British indigo planters in Champaran.
- Mr. Andrews: An Englishman who serves as Gandhi’s friend and advisor, offering guidance and support during his time in Champaran.
- Mr. Khare: A lawyer who assists Gandhi in navigating the legal complexities of the indigo farmers’ case.
- The Indigo Farmers: The oppressed farmers who are forced to grow indigo under exploitative conditions by the British planters. They represent the marginalized and exploited population that Gandhi seeks to empower.

Indigo summary
In December 1916 Gandhiji went to Lucknow to attend the annual convention of the Indian National Congress. There were 2,301 delegates and many visitors. A poor illiterate peasant, Rajkumar Shukla came there to complain against the injustice meted out to the peasants in Champaran. He met Gandhiji. Gandhiji had never heared of Champaran. He had many engagements. So he did not give any assurance to Shukla. But Shukla was resolute. He followed Gandhiji wherever he went. At last Gandhiji fixed a date. He told Shukla to meet him at Calcutta on a particular date.
At Calcutta Gandhiji found Shukla waiting for him. Both of them went to Patna by train. Shukla led Gandhiji to the house of a lawyer, Rajendra Prasad. They could not see him as he was out of town. But the servants knew Shukla. He had been there several times to request the lawyers to help the indigo sharecroppers. They let them stay on the grounds. They took Gandhiji for another peasant and untouchable. They did not allow them to draw water from the well lest the entire water in the well be polluted.
Gandhiji decided to visit Muzaffarpur before Champaran to obtain more complete information about the conditions prevalent in the area. He sent a telegram to professor, J.B. Kripalani, whom he had met at Shantiniketan. Kripalani came to the station with his students to receive Gandhiji. At Muzaffarpur Gandhiji stayed in the house of Mr. Malkani, a government school teacher. In those days Indians were afraid to harbour men like Gandhiji who were advocates of home rule, but Malkani had courage.
The news of Gandhiji’s arrival in Muzaffarpur and his mission spread quickly. Sharecroppers came to Muzaffarpur to see him. The lawyers also called on him. They briefed him about their cases. Gandhiji chided the lawyers for collecting heavy fees from poor peasants.
He thought that lawcourts were useless for the crushed and fear-stricken peasants. The real relief for them was to be free from fear. British landlords held large estates in Champaran. Indians worked as sharecroppers on their land. By a long term agreement the sharecroppers were compelled to plant 15% of their holdings with indigo and surrender the entire indigo produced to the landlords as rent. Harvesting indigo was an irksome business for the peasants.
Recently, the landlords had heard that Germany had developed synthetic indigo. British landlords knew that prices of indigo would fall and planting indigo was no longer profitable. They offered to release the share croppers from their obligation to harvest indigo. But they demanded compensation. Many peasants agreed. But others resisted. Soon the peasants learnt about the synthetic indigo. Those who had paid compensation demanded their money back.
A dispute arose between the landlords and share croppers. The landlords hired thugs. The sharecroppers engaged lawyers.
Then Gandhiji arrived in Champaran. He began by trying to get the facts from the secretary of the British landlords’ association. He refused to give information to an outsider. Gandhiji said that he was not an outsider. Next, Gandhiji called on the British official commissioner of the Tirhut division. The commissioner started bullying Gandhiji and advised him to leave Tirhut.
Istead of leaving the area, Gandhiji went to Motihari, the capital of Champaran.
Gandhiji made it his headquarters. He started his investigations. A peasant was maltreated in a nearby village. Gandhiji decided to go and find facts. But the police stopped him. He was served with a notice to leave Champaran. Gandhiji wrote back that he would not obey the notice. Consequently, Gandhiji was summoned to appear in a court. Gandhiji sent a report to the viceroy.
The peasants learnt that the Mahatma who wanted to help them was in trouble with the authorities. Thousands of peasants gathered around the court building. This spontaneous show of their courage baffled the British authorities. They felt powerless. Gandhiji helped them to regulate the trial.
In the court Gandhiji pleaded guilty. He asked for penalty. He read out a statement. He said he was faced with conflict of duties, he respected the lawful authority. He was not a law breaker. But he could not disregard the voice of his conscience to do humanitarian and national service.
The judge said he would take several days to deliver the judgement. But he let Gandhiji go free. Gandhiji asked his lawyer friends what they would do if he went to jail. They replied they would go home.
Gandhiji asked again what would happen to the poor peasants. Then the lawyers felt ashamed. Gandhiji, who was a stranger, was willing to go to jail for their sake. The lawyers claimed to have been serving the peasants. Going home would mean shameful betrayal. They told Gandhiji that they too would follow him into jail.Gandhiji was pleased. He declared that the battle of Champaran was won.
He then divided the group in two pairs and put down the order in which each pair would court arrest.
But the Lieutenant Governor of the province decided to that drop the case against Gandhiji. This was the victory of as no civil disobedience.
Gandhiji and lawyers conducted an inquiry into the complaints of the peasants. About ten thousand peasants deposed. Documents were collected. Gandhij was the summoned by Sir Edward Gait, the Lieutenant Governor. He met the Lieutenant Governor four times An official commission of inquiry was appointed.
Gandhiji remained in Champaran initially for seven months and then came for several shorter visits. The official inquiry assembled evidence against the big planters. They agreed in principle to make refunds to the peasants. Gandhiji asked only 50 per cent. The representative of the planters offered to refund up to 25 percent. Gandhiji agreed. The deadlock was broken. He had a moral victory.
Gandhiji explained that amount of money was not important. By agreeing to refund the peasants’ money the the landlords had lost their prestige. They were no longer dreaded. The peasants learnt they had rights and there were people to defend their rights. With in a few years by the British planters abandoned their estates. These now he went back to the peasants. Indigo sharecropping disappeared.
Gandhiji wanted to do something to remove the cultural to and social backwardness in Champaran’s villages. He appealed for teachers. Two young disciples of Gandhiji, to Mahadev Desai and Narhari Parikh, and their wives s volunteered for work. Several more came from Bombay, is Poona and other distant parts, of the land. Devdas, th Gandhiji’s youngest son, arrived from the ashram and so did Mrs. Gandhi. Primary schools were opened in six villages. Kasturba taught the ashram rules on personal cleanliness and community sanitation.
Health conditions were miserable. Gandhiji got a doctor to volunteer his services for six months. Three medicines were available: castor oil, quinine and sulphur ointment. Gandhiji noticed the filthy state of women’s clothes. One woman told Kasturba that she had only one sari. During his long stay in Champaran, Gandhiji kept a long distance watch on the ashram and sent regular instructions by mail.
The Champaran episode was a turning point in Gandhiji’s life. It did not begin as an act of defiance. It grew out of an attempt to lessen the sufferings of the poor peasants. Gandhiji’s politics was closely connected with the practical day to day problems of the millions. He tried to mould a new free Indian who could stand on hisown feet and thus make India free.
Charles Freer Andrews was devoted follower of Gandhiji. He came to Champaran. Gandhiji’s lawyer friends wanted him to stay on to help them. But Gandhiji opposed the idea. He said, “The cause is just and you must rely upon yourselves, to win the battle.”
Thus, self-reliance, Indian independence and help to sharecroppers were all bound together.
Indigo Summary in Hindi
दिसंबर १९१६ में गांधीजी लखनऊ गए थे भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस के वार्षिक सम्मेलन में भाग लेने के लिए। वहां २,३०१ प्रतिनिधि और कई आगंतुक थे। एक गरीब अशिक्षित किसान, राजकुमार शुक्ला वहां चंपारण में किसानों के प्रति अन्याय का शिकायत करने के लिए आया था । वह गांधीजी से मिला। गांधीजी ने कभी भी चंपारण के बारे में सुना नहीं था। वह बहुत व्यस्त थे । इसलिए उन्होंने शुक्ला को कोई आश्वासन नहीं दिया। पर शुक्ला दृढ़ था। गांधीजी जहां-जहां जाते, वह गाँधी के पीछे वहां वहां जाते । अंततः गांधीजी ने एक तारीख तय की। उन्होंने शुक्ला से कहा कि वह उस समय कोलकाता में मिलेंगे।
कोलकाता में गांधीजी ने देखा कि शुक्ला उसका इंतजार कर रहा है। दोनों ने रेल से पटना जाने का निर्णय किया। शुक्ला गांधीजी को वकील राजेंद्र प्रसाद के घर ले गया। राजेन्द्र प्रसाद उन्हें नहीं मिल सके क्योंकि वह शहर से बाहर गए हुए थे। पर उनका सेवक शुक्ला को जानता था । वह कई बार इंडिगो भागीदारों की मदद के लिए यहां आया था। उसने उन्हें मैदान में रुकने दिया। वे गांधीजी को एक दूसरा किसान मान लेता है और अछूत जैसा बर्ताव करता है । उसने उन्हें कुएं से पानी नहीं निकालने दिया कि कुएं का पूरा पानी दूषित न हो जाए।
गांधीजी ने चंपारण से पहले मुजफ्फरपुर को देखने का निर्णय लिया ताकि उन्हें क्षेत्र में मौजूद स्थितियों के बारे में और अधिक समाग्री जानकारी प्राप्त हो सके। उन्होंने एक टेलीग्राम प्रोफेसर जे.बी. कृपालानी को भेजा, जिनसे गाँधी जी से शांतिनिकेतन में मिले थे। कृपालानी अपने छात्रों के साथ गांधीजी को स्वागत करने के लिए स्टेशन पर आए। मुजफ्फरपुर में गांधीजी मिस्टर मलकानी, एक सरकारी स्कूल शिक्षक, के घर में रुके। उन दिनों भारतीयों को घरेलू शासन के प्रचारक जैसे गांधीजी को आश्रय देने से डर था, लेकिन मलकानी के पास साहस था।
गांधीजी की मुजफ्फरपुर में आगमन की खबर और उनके कार्यक्रम की खबर जल्दी से फैल गई। भागीदार उनसे मिलने मुजफ्फरपुर आए। वकील भी उनसे मिले। उन्होंने उन्हें अपने मामलों के बारे में जानकारी दी। गांधीजी ने गरीब किसानों से भारी फीसें वसूलने के लिए वकीलों को डांटा।
उन्होंने सोचा कि दबे हुए और डरे हुए किसानों के लिए अदालतें बेकार हैं। उनके लिए असली राहत डर से मुक्त होना था। चंपारण में ब्रिटिश भूमिदारों के बड़े जमींदार होते थे। भारतीय उनकी भूमि पर भागीदार के रूप में काम करते थे। दीर्घकालिक समझौते के अनुसार भागीदारों को अपनी संपत्ति का 15% इंडिगो के साथ बोना पड़ता था और जमींदारों को उसे भूमिकार के रूप में सौंपना पड़ता था। इंडिगो की फसल को काटना किसानों के लिए एक तकलीफदेह काम था।
हाल ही में, जमींदारों ने सुना कि जर्मनी ने सिंथेटिक इंडिगो विकसित किया था। ब्रिटिश जमींदारों को पता था कि इंडिगो की कीमतें गिरेंगी और इंडिगो बोना अब लाभकारी नहीं रहेगा। उन्होंने भागीदारों को इंडिगो काटने के अपने बंधन से मुक्त करने का प्रस्ताव दिया। लेकिन उन्होंने मुआवजा मांगा। कई किसान सहमत हो गए। लेकिन अन्य विरोध करने लगे। जल्द ही किसानों को सिंथेटिक इंडिगो के बारे में पता चला। जिन्होंने मुआवजा दिया था, उन्होंने अपने पैसे वापस मांगने लगे।
जमींदारों और भागीदारों के बीच विवाद उत्पन्न हुआ। जमींदारों ने गुंडों को किराए पर रखा। भागीदारों ने वकीलों की सेवाएं ली।
फिर गांधीजी चंपारण में आए। उन्होंने पहले ब्रिटिश जमींदारों संघ के सचिव से तथ्य जानने का प्रयास किया। उसने एक पराया को जानकारी देने से इनकार किया। गांधीजी ने कहा कि वह पराया नहीं है। अगले, गांधीजी तिरहूत विभाग के ब्रिटिश अधिकारी के पास गए। आयुक्त ने गांधीजी को धमकाया और उन्हें तिरहूत छोड़ने की सलाह दी। क्षेत्र छोड़ने की बजाय, गांधीजी मोतिहारी, चंपारण की राजधानी में गए।
गांधीजी ने इसे अपना मुख्यालय बना लिया। उन्होंने अपना अनुसंधान शुरू किया। एक पास के गाँव में एक किसान को बुरी तरह से पीड़ित किया गया था। गांधीजी तथ्यों को जानने के लिए वहां जा रहे थे। लेकिन पुलिस ने उन्हें रोका। उन्हें चंपारण छोड़ने के लिए नोटिस मिला। गांधीजी ने लिखा कि वह नोटिस का पालन नहीं करेंगे। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, गांधीजी को न्यायालय में उपस्थित होने के लिए बुलाया गया। गांधीजी वाइसराय को एक रिपोर्ट भेजे।
किसानों को पता चला कि महात्मा जो उनकी मदद करना चाहते थे, वह अधिकारियों के साथ समस्या में फंसे हुए थे। हजारों किसान अदालत के भवन के चारों ओर एकत्र हो गए। उनका यह स्वाभाविक साहस ब्रिटिश अधिकारियों को हैरान कर दिया। वे खुद को असहाय समझाने लगे । गांधीजी ने उन्हें अदालत को संचालित करने में मदद की।
अदालत में गांधीजी ने अपराध स्वीकार किया। उन्होंने दंड मांगा। उन्होंने एक बयान पढ़ा। उन्होंने कहा कि उनको कर्तव्य पालन के लिए यहा आना पड़ा, वह कानूनी अधिकार का सम्मान करते थे। वह किसी कानून तोड़ने वाला नहीं थे । लेकिन उन्होंने मानवीय और राष्ट्रीय सेवा करने के लिए अपनी अंतरात्मा की आवाज़ को नजरअंदाज नहीं किया।
जज ने कहा कि वह फैसला सुनाने के लिए कई दिन लेंगे। लेकिन उन्होंने गांधीजी को बिना दंड दिए छोड़ दिया। गांधीजी अपने वकील मित्रों से पूछा कि अगर वह जेल जाएं तो वे क्या करेंगे। उन्होंने उत्तर दिया कि वे घर जाएंगे।
फिर गांधीजी ने पुनः पूछा कि गरीब किसानों के साथ क्या होगा। तब वकीलों को शर्म आई। गांधीजी, जो पराया था, उनके लिए जेल जाने को तैयार थे। वकीलों ने दावा किया कि वे किसानों की सेवा कर रहे थे। घर जाना शर्मनाक धोखा होगा। उन्होंने गांधीजी को बताया कि वे भी उनके साथ जेल जाएंगे। गांधीजी खुश थे। उन्होंने घोषणा की कि चंपारण की लड़ाई जीत ली गई है। फिर उन्होंने समूह को दो जोड़ों में विभाजित किया ।
प्रांत के लेफ्टिनेंट गवर्नर ने गांधीजी के खिलाफ मामला छोड़ने का निर्णय किया। यह एकता की विजय थी क्योंकि कोई नागरिक अवज्ञा नहीं हुई।
गांधीजी और वकीलों ने किसानों की शिकायतों की जांच की। लगभग दस हजार किसान गवाही दी। दस्तावेज़ इकट्ठे किए गए। गांधीजी को सर एडवर्ड गेट, लेफ्टिनेंट गवर्नर द्वारा बुलाया गया। उन्होंने लेफ्टिनेंट गवर्नर से चार बार मिला। एक आधिकारिक जांच कमीशन नियुक्त किया गया।
गांधीजी शुरू में चंपारण में सात महीने रहे और फिर कई बार छोटे दौरे के लिए आए। आधिकारिक जांचारी ने बड़े बड़े बगानेदारों के खिलाफ सबूत इकट्ठा किया। वे सिद्धांत में किसानों को वापसी करने के लिए सहमत हुए। गांधीजी ने केवल ५० प्रतिशत मांगा। बगानेदारों के प्रतिनिधि ने २५ प्रतिशत तक की वापसी करने का प्रस्ताव दिया। गांधीजी सहमत थे। इससे गतिरोध टूट गया। उन्हें नैतिक विजय मिली।
गांधीजी ने समझाया कि पैसे की मात्रा महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है। किसानों के पैसे की वापसी को स्वीकार करके भूमिधारी अपने सम्मान को खो चुके थे। अब वे डरने लायक नहीं थे। किसानों ने सीखा कि उनका अधिकार है और उनके अधिकारों की रक्षा करने वाले लोग हैं। कुछ वर्षों में ब्रिटिश बगानेदार अपने बगीचों को छोड़ दिए। अब ये किसानों के पास लौट गए। इंडिगो की खेती गायब हो गई।
गांधीजी चंपारण के गाँवों में सांस्कृतिक और सामाजिक पिछड़ापन को हटाने के लिए कुछ करना चाहते थे। उन्होंने अध्यापकों के लिए अपील की। दो गांधीजी के युवा अनुयायी, महादेव देसाई और नरहरि पारिख, और उनकी पत्नियों ने काम करने के लिए स्वयंसेवक बना। बॉम्बे, पुणे और दूसरे दूरस्थ हिस्सों से कई और लोग आए। देवदास, गांधीजी का सबसे छोटा बेटा, आश्रम से आया और उसी तरह मास्टर जी. की बीवी भी आई। छह गाँवों में प्राथमिक विद्यालय खोले गए। कस्तूरबा ने आश्रम के नियमों की शिक्षा व्यक्तिगत सफाई और समुदायिक स्वच्छता पर दी।
स्वास्थ्य स्थितियाँ अत्यंत दुखदायक थीं। गांधीजी ने एक डॉक्टर को योगदान के लिए व्यवस्थित किया जिसने छह महीने के लिए सेवाएं दीं। तीन दवाएं उपलब्ध थीं: आरंदी का तेल, क्वाइनीन और सल्फर ऑइंटमेंट। गांधीजी ने महिलाओं के कपड़ों की गंदगी को नोट किया। एक महिला ने कस्तूरबा को बताया कि उसके पास केवल एक साड़ी थी। चंपारण में लंबे समय तक रहते हुए, गांधीजी ने आश्रम की दूरी से ध्यान रखा और नियमित निर्देशों को चिट्ठी द्वारा भेजा।
चंपारण का घटनाक्रम गांधीजी के जीवन में एक परिवर्तन का कारण था। यह आज़ादी के एक कदम के रूप में नहीं शुरू हुआ था। यह गरीब किसानों के पीड़ा को कम करने का प्रयास से निकला था। गांधीजी की राजनीति लाखों के वास्तविक दिन-प्रतिदिन के समस्याओं से गहराई से जुड़ी थी। उन्होंने एक नए स्वतंत्र भारत को बनाने की कोशिश की जो अपने पैरों पर खड़ा हो सके और इस तरह भारत को स्वतंत्र बना सके।
चार्ल्स फ्रीर एंड्र्यूज़ गांधीजी के निष्ठावान अनुयायी थे। वह चंपारण आए। गांधीजी के वकील मित्रों ने उन्हें वहाँ रहने के लिए कहा। लेकिन गांधीजी इस विचार का खिलाफ थे। उन्होंने कहा, “कारण न्यायसंगत है और आपको इस लड़ाई को जीतने के लिए अपने आप पर भरोसा करना होगा।” इस प्रकार, स्वायत्तता, भारतीय स्वतंत्रता और भूमिधारकों की मदद सभी मिलकर जुड़े रहे।
Indigo important topics
Rajkumar Shukla was resolute.
Rajkumar Shukla was a poor, thin farmer from Champaran. He met Gandhi in 1916 in Lucknow but Gandhi didn’t agree to help him at first. Shukla wanted to talk to Gandhi about the unfairness and the problems caused by landlords in Bihar. Shukla didn’t give up and followed Gandhi to Cawnpore and later to Calcutta. Gandhi was moved by Shukla’s determination and the difficulties faced by sharecroppers. Finally, Gandhi agreed to visit Champaran.
Issue related Indigo
In Champaran, the farmland was owned by Englishmen and cultivated by Indian tenants. The main crop grown for commercial purposes was indigo. As part of their agreement, tenants were required to allocate 15% of their land for indigo cultivation, and they had to surrender all the indigo produced as rent. However, with the introduction of synthetic indigo in the market, the landlords demanded new agreements. They asked for compensation equal to 15% of the land. This demand was met with resistance from the peasants, leading to widespread unrest in the region.
How Gandhi reached Champaran
Gandhi went to Muzaffarpur with Shukla. He got all the details he needed. In that place, lawyers helped the farmers in court. He talked with Kriplani. He met with lawyers, scolded them a bit, and learned about the legal side. He also met with farmers and felt that they were uneasy. He understood that the farmers were afraid of strikes. He thought that he should give them courage and remove their fear.
Role of Lawyers
They were lawyers who took cases to courts and charged high fees from sharecroppers. Gandhi didn’t like this because it confused and scared the poor farmers. He believed that what the farmers really needed was to be free from fear. The lawyers did offer legal help, but they didn’t promise to help Gandhi if he got arrested. When Gandhi was arrested, he asked for fairness for the sharecroppers. Even though he was an outsider, he was willing to go to jail for the farmers. The lawyers felt guilty for leaving when they went home. They supported Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience Movement and helped him complain against landlords.
Steps were taken by Gandhi-
Gandhi went to the British landlord association for help, but they ignored him. Then, he went to Motihari where many farmers supported him and kept looking into things. He told the officials there that he wouldn’t leave Champaran even after they told him to. He got a legal notice and said he wouldn’t listen to it. He got summoned to Motihari where many farmers gathered. The farmers protested outside the courtroom. The officials and government couldn’t do much. Gandhi felt encouraged by all the support he got from the people. He willingly got arrested because he believed he was following his conscience. He convinced lawyers to join his movement and kept gathering legal evidence. Eventually, the government had to set up an inquiry commission because of all the pressure.
In a meeting about compensation, Gandhi asked the British landlords to give back 50% of the money because he thought they would agree on less. Eventually, he agreed to 25%. This showed the landlords they couldn’t ignore the law. It also gave courage to the peasants. The important thing wasn’t the amount of money refunded, but that the landlords had to give back some money, which also lowered their status. This meant the Champaran battle was won.
Champaran Episode is a turning point in Gandhi’s life
The Champaran episode was the first successful civil disobedience movement in Gandhi’s life. At first, it was just Gandhi’s attempt to help poor peasants who were treated unfairly. But it turned into a big movement to remove the deep fear of the British from the hearts of ordinary farmers.
Qualities of Gandhi
Gandhi appreciates loyalty and commitment. He takes time to understand the issue by meeting with people like Kriplani, lawyers, and peasants. He makes sure to connect with the masses. He organizes plans, like the civil disobedience plan. He’s fair and wins the support of lawyers. He’s also a visionary, working to improve the social and cultural backwardness of Champaran.
Conditions of poor peasants
The villages were not only poor and scared because of the British and their agreements with sharecroppers, but they were also culturally and socially behind. Gandhi helped them by showing them they had rights and people who supported them. He improved things by starting primary schools, making healthcare better, and teaching the villagers about personal cleanliness and community sanitation.
Indigo Question Answers
Short Answer Questions
Q.1 -Why was Gandhiji impressed with Rajkumar Shukla’s tenacity and determination?
Ans.1- Rajkumar Shukla had come to complain about the landlord system of Bihar. He accompanied him to Kanpur and other parts on India, never leaving his side and then waited for him in Calcutta sothat he could take him to Patna. He was thus impressed by his tenacity.
Q.2- Why did Gandhi chide the lawyer who represented the interests of sharecroppers of Champaron?
Ans.2- He chided the lawyers for collecting bg fee from the sharecroppers. He was of the opinion that they should stop taking these cases to the law court as the peasants were crushed and fear-stricken and real relief from them would be to be free from fear.
Q.3 -What was the reaction of the landlords tothe development of synthetic indigo?
Ans.3- When the landlords heard about synthetic indigo they proceeded to obtain agreements from the shareholders whereby they were expected to pay compensation for being released from the 15% arrangement.
Q.4- What were the conditions of the sharecroppers at the time Gandhi arrived at Champaran?
Ans.4 – Gandhi learned that most of the arable land divided onto large estates was owned by English land divided onto large estates was owned by Enlish men and worked by Indian tenants. The landlords compelled the tenants to plant15% of their holdings with the commercial crop, Indigo and surrender the entire indigo as rent.
Q.5 -Why was Gandhi served summons to appear in the court? What was his immediate reaction to this?
Ans.6 – Gandhi was served summons of an official notice to Champaran immediately. He wrote on it that he would disobey and then he was served the summons to be present in the court. He with influential friends and sent a complete report to the Viceroy.
Q.7 -What made the British realize that the Indians could challenge their might hitherto unquestioned?
Ans.7 – The peasants came in hoards to support Gandhi and their spontaneous demonstrations around the court house made the British powerless to deal with Gandhi’s assistants. This made the British realize that Indians could actually challenge their might.
Q.8 – Why did Gandhi protest against delay in the trial? What did the statement leading guilty read?
Ans.8- He protested against the delay in the trial as he wanted to proceed with the tsk at hand. He wrote in his statement that he was caught in “ conflict of duties” because on one hand he did not want to appear as a law breaker while on the other hand he wished to render humanitarian and national service.
Q.9 – How did Gandhi ensure that the peasants of Champaram learnt to be courageous?
Ans.9 – When the peasants realized that they had rights and defenders they learnt to be courageous. As for the 25% refund Gandhi opined that the landlords had been obliged to surrender part of the money and their prestige as well and the amount was irrelevant.
Q.10. What measures did Gandhi take to improve the cultural and social backwardness of the villages of Champaran?
Ans.10- On Gandhi’s appea, Mahadevi Desai and Narhari Parikh and their wives volunteered as teachers. Kasturba and Devdas assistedin setting up six primary schools. she also taught the rules of cleanliness and community sanitation. Doctor was appointed and some basic medicines were made available.
Q.11. How did Gandhi manage the working of their ashram at Ahmedabad while he was a t Champaram?
Ans.11 – Gandhi kept a long distance watch on the working of the ashram. He sent regular instructions vial mail and asked for financial accounts .
Q.12- Why did Gandhi oppose the idea of enlisting the assistance of Charles Freer Andrew even though he was a devoted follower?
Ans.12 – Gandhi felt that Indians must rely on themselves to win the battle. Soliciting the support of an Englishman would be an indication of the weakness of their hearts.
Q.13 “ He had read our minds correctly”, said Rajendra Prasad. What does this refer to?
Ans.13 – This refers to the fact that Gandhi at once understood that they were suggesting to enlist the help of Charles Andrews. His supporters were not confident about what they have undertaken and believed it was an unequal fight and could be bolstered by the support of a white man.
Long Answer Question:
Q.1 Self-relaince, Indian Independence and help to sharecroppers were all bound together. Elllucidate with reference to “Indigo”.
“Indigo” speaks masterfully of the leadership qualities displayed by Gandhi in supporting the cause of the sharecroppers of Champaran. Discuss.
Describe the landmark in the life of Gandhi that made decide to urge the departure of British from India.
Convincing argumentation & negotiation were the key strengths of the strategy employed by Gandhi in his fight for the rights of the poor sharecroppers tenacity & this led to a series of event which had a far reaching impact on the Indian freedom struggle. Discuss with reference to “Indigo”.
Ans.1 -Gandhi recounts that in 1916, he was approached by a peasant from Champaran who urged him to look into the condition of the peasants. The sharecropper’s persistent efforts took Gandhi to Champaran. He learned that the arable areas of Champaran district divided into large states were owned by Englishmen and worked by the peasants. The tenants were forced to grow Indigo in 15% of their land and surrender the entire crop facts which was resisted by the British. When he received summons he failed to comply by the peasants in his support and their spontaneous the beginning of the end of their fear of the British.
The fact that the case was dropped marked the first triumph of civil disobedience. Investigations by Gandhi four interviews by Governor General resulted in an enquiry to the matter.Gandhi accepted 25% of the money offered as refund to the farmers even though the demand was of 50% and thus the deadlock was broken. The farmers learnt that they too had rights and this instilled courage in them. Within a few years the landlords relinquished their claims over the estates which reverted back to the farmers.
Thus self-reliance, Indian independence and help and help to sharecroppers were all bound into one.
Q.2- What measures did Gandhi take to improve the cultural and social backwardness of the village, Champaran?
Ans.2- Gandhi embarked on a programme to reform the economic and cultural backwardness of the area. Mahadevi Desai and Narhare Parikh who joined Gandhi as disciples supported Gandhi. Their wives and other volunteers joined the movement . Gandhi’s wife and his youngest son, Devdas arrived from the ashram. Primary schools were set up in six villages.
Kasturba taught the ashram rules and personal cleanliness and community sanitation . Gandhi got a doctor to volunteer his services for six months in attempt to improve the apaling state of the health services that were available. Basic medicines were made available and these included castor oil and quinine. This was the beginning of health services for the area.
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