Class 12 English Chapter 8 Going Places class 12 summary, characters, theme, explanation and questions answers are given here for detailed study. Students can check out for summary, characters, theme, explanation and questions answers.
Class 12 English Chapter 8 Going Places by A. R. Barton
Going Places Writer –

A. R. Barton is a modern writer, who lives in Zurich and writes in English. In the story Going Places, Barton
explores the theme of adolescent fantasising and hero worship.
Going Places Introduction
“Going Places” is a short story by A. R. Barton.”Going Places” is a story about what young people hope and dream about, and also about the sadness when those dreams don’t come true. It talks about how teenagers daydream and look up to heroes, and it also looks at how people relate to each other.
The main idea of the story is about looking up to heroes and having big dreams when you’re a teenager. Sometimes, young people expect too much, especially when their families are having a hard time. This happens because the kind of family you come from affects the jobs you think you can do. If the dreams are too unrealistic, it can make you really unhappy. The main character in the story is shown dreaming big, but it turns out to be a pointless thing to do.
Going Places Theme
The central theme of “Going Places” revolves around the aspirations, dreams, and challenges faced by young people. The story explores the hopes and desires of teenagers, emphasizing the contrast between their idealistic fantasies and the harsh realities of life. Hero-worship and teenage dreams take center stage, highlighting the tendency of young minds to harbor impractical expectations.
Additionally, the narrative touches upon the impact of socioeconomic background on career choices. The story suggests that the struggles of a family can influence a young person’s aspirations, sometimes leading to unrealistic goals that may result in disappointment and misery.
Furthermore, the theme delves into the intricacies of human relationships, portraying the complexities that arise as individuals navigate their dreams and the expectations placed upon them. The futile nature of building “castles in the air” is a poignant aspect, emphasizing the inherent challenges and sometimes harsh consequences of holding onto unrealistic fantasies.
Going Places Summary
Sophie and Jansie, two schoolgirls who work at a biscuit factory, walk home. Sophie floats in daydreams of fancy shops and fame, inspired by a designer named Mary Quaint. Jansie, more practical, reminds her they’re poor and these dreams cost money. Sophie argues she’ll become an actress and earn it.
At their cramped, messy home, Sophie’s brother Geoff tinkers with a motorcycle, a man of few words about his life. She fantasizes about his mysterious world and whispers a secret: she met famous footballer Danny Casey! Geoff and their dad don’t believe her, but Sophie insists. Later, she excitedly tells Geoff about her date with Casey (which never happened). Geoff plays along, letting her dream.
Football-loving, they all go to a match on Saturday. Their team wins, thanks to a goal by Casey, and everyone explodes with joy! Back home, Jansie catches onto Sophie’s lie. Sophie, mad at Geoff for revealing her secret, quickly makes up another story.
Desperate to meet Casey, Sophie sneaks to a canal spot they “planned” to meet. He doesn’t show up, but lost in her crush, Sophie pretends they spent time together. Returning home, sadness fills her heart. She knows it was a lie, but the fantasy was too sweet to break.
So, Sophie’s big dreams clash with her everyday life. Her escape into imagination brings both joy and frustration, showing how a young girl grapples with reality and desires a world just beyond her reach.
As Sophie walked by, the fancy Royce boutique glittered like a rainbow, grabbing her attention. Just like that, she was caught up in her daydreams again, imagining herself as glamorous Mary Quaint, designing clothes and living a fab life. It was like her daydreams were magnets, and the fancy shop pulled her right in.
Going Places Summary in Hindi
सोफी और जंसी, दो स्कूल की लड़कियां जो बिस्कुट फैक्ट्री में काम करती हैं, घर लौट रही हैं. सोफी फैंसी दुकानों और शोहरत के ख्वाबों में खोई हुई है, जो एक डिजाइनर मैरी क्वाइंट से प्रेरित हैं. जंसी, अधिक व्यावहारिक, उसे याद दिलाती है कि वे गरीब हैं और इन सपनों पर पैसा खर्च होता है. सोफी तर्क देती है कि वह एक अभिनेत्री बन जाएगी और कमाएगी.
उनके तंग, अव्यवस्थित घर पर, सोफी का भाई ज्योफ एक मोटरसाइकिल के साथ टिंकर करता है, अपने जीवन के बारे में कुछ शब्दों का आदमी. वह उसकी रहस्यमय दुनिया के बारे में कल्पना करती है और एक रहस्य फुसफुसाती है: वह प्रसिद्ध फुटबॉलर डैनी केसी से मिली! ज्योफ और उनके पिताजी उस पर विश्वास नहीं करते, लेकिन सोफी जोर देती है. बाद में, वह उत्साह से ज्योफ को केसी के साथ अपनी डेट के बारे में बताती है (जो कभी नहीं हुई). ज्योफ उसके साथ खेलता है, उसे सपने देखने देता है.
वे सभी फुटबॉल प्रेमी हैं शनिवार को एक मैच देखने जाते हैं. केसी के एक गोल की बदौलत, उनकी टीम जीत जाती है, और सभी आनंद से झूम उठते हैं! घर वापस आकर, जंसी सोफी के झूठ को पकड़ लेती है. सोफी, ज्योफ पर अपने रहस्य को उजागर करने के लिए आरोप लगाती है और सोफी जल्दी से एक और कहानी बना लेती है.
केसी से मिलने के लिए बेताब, सोफी नहर के एक स्थान पर चुपके से निकल जाती है, जहां उन्होंने “मिलने की योजना” बनाई थी. परन्तु केसी नहीं आता है , लेकिन अपने क्रश में खोई, सोफी दिखावा करती है कि उन्होंने एक साथ समय बिताया. घर लौटते समय, उसके दिल में उदासी भर जाती है. वह जानती है कि यह एक झूठ था, लेकिन वह फंतासी को तोड़ना नहीं चाहती थी.
इसलिए, सोफी के बड़े सपने उसके रोजमर्रा के जीवन से टकराते हैं. कल्पना में उसका भागना खुशी और निराशा दोनों लाता है, यह दिखाता है कि एक युवा लड़की वास्तविकता से कैसे जूझती है और अपनी पहुंच से बाहर की दुनिया की इच्छा करती है.
और जब वह रॉयस की दुकान के पास से गुजरती है, तो वह फिर से अपने हीरो के सपनों में खो जाती है.
Going Places Characters
“Going Places” is a short story written by A.R Barton. The main characters in the story include:
- Sophie: The central character of the story, Sophie is a young girl who has an encounter with a famous football player named Danny Casey.
- Geoff: Sophie’s brother, who seems to have some influence in the neighborhood and has information about Danny Casey.
- Jansie: A nosy and curious character who questions Sophie about her meeting with Danny Casey, adding an element of gossip to the story.
- Danny Casey: Though not physically present in the story, Danny Casey is a famous football player whose rumored meeting with Sophie becomes a significant part of the narrative.
- Sophie’s Father: Sophie mentions her father going to the pub to celebrate something, but he is not directly involved in the main events of the story.
These characters play different roles in shaping the narrative and exploring themes of secrecy, disappointment, and the contrast between public perception and personal experience.
Going Places Explanation –
Text –
When I leave,” Sophie said, coming home from school, “I’m going to have a boutique.” Jansie, linking arms with her along the street; looked doubtful. “Takes money, Soaf, something like that.” “I’ll find it,” Sophie said, staring far down the street. “Take you a long time to save that much.” “Well I’ll be a manager then — yes, of course — to begin with. Till I’ve got enough. But anyway, I know just how it’s all going to look.” “They wouldn’t make you manager straight off, Soaf.” “I’ll be like Mary Quant,” Sophie said. “I’ll be a natural. They’ll see it from the start. I’ll have the most amazing shop this city’s ever seen.’” Jansie, knowing they were both earmarked for the biscuit factory, became melancholy. She wished Sophie wouldn’t say these things.

Explanation –
Sophie and Jansie are talking about the future. Sophie wants to open a boutique, a fancy shop. Jansie is worried because opening a shop needs money. Sophie is determined and says she’ll work as a manager first to save money. She even dreams of having the best shop in the city, like a famous designer, Mary Quant. But Jansie is sad because they both have plans to work at a biscuit factory, and Sophie’s dreams seem difficult to come true.
Text –
When they reached Sophie’s street Jansie said, “It’s only a few months away now, Soaf, you really should be sensible. They don’t pay well for shop work, you know that, your dad would never allow it.”
“Or an actress. Now there’s real money in that. Yes, and I could maybe have the boutique on the side. Actresses don’t work full time, do they? Anyway, that or a fashion designer, you know — something a bit sophisticated”. And she turned in through the open street door leaving Jansie standing in the rain.
“If ever I come into money I’ll buy a boutique.” “Huh – if you ever come into money… if you ever come into money you’ll buy us a blessed decent house to live in, thank you very much.”
Explanation –
Jansie is telling Sophie that opening a shop might not be a good idea because it doesn’t pay well. She suggests being sensible and mentions that Sophie’s dad wouldn’t approve. Sophie, however, dreams of being an actress or a fashion designer, thinking they make more money. Jansie is a bit frustrated and points out that if Sophie ever gets money, she should use it to buy a better house for both of them to live in. Sophie leaves Jansie in the rain as she goes inside.
Text –
Sophie’s father was scooping shepherd’s pie into his mouth as hard as he could go, his plump face still grimy and sweat — marked from the day. “She thinks money grows on trees, don’t she, Dad?’ said little Derek, hanging on the back of his father’s chair. Their mother sighed. Sophie watched her back stooped over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow which fastened her apron strings. The delicate-seeming bow and the crooked back. The evening had already blacked in the windows and the small room was steamy from the stove and cluttered with the heavy-breathing man in his vest at the table and the dirty washing piled up in the corner. Sophie felt a tightening in her throat. She went to look for her brother Geoff.

Explanation –
Sophie’s dad is eating dinner quickly, looking tired and dirty from his day’s work. Little Derek, Sophie’s brother, comments that Sophie thinks money is easy to get. Their mom is tired and wearing an apron with a delicate bow, but her back is crooked. The room is small, hot, and messy with Sophie’s dad eating at the table and dirty laundry in the corner. Sophie feels emotional and goes to find her brother Geoff. The scene shows the family’s struggles and the contrast between delicate details and difficult circumstances.
Text –
He was kneeling on the floor in the next room tinkering with a part of his motorcycle over some newspaper spread on the carpet. He was three years out of school, an apprentice mechanic, travelling to his work each day to the far side of the city. He was almost grown up now, and she suspected areas of his life about which she knew nothing, about which he never spoke. He said little at all, ever, voluntarily. Words had to be prized out of him like stones out of the ground. And she was jealous of his silence. When he wasn’t speaking it was as though he was away somewhere, out there in the world in those places she had
never been. Whether they were only the outlying districts of the city, or places beyond in the surrounding country — who knew? — they attained a special fascination simply because they were unknown to her and remained out of her reach.
Explanation –
Geoff, Sophie’s brother, is in the next room fixing his motorcycle. He’s been out of school for three years, working as a trainee mechanic on the other side of the city. He’s becoming more like an adult, and Sophie thinks there are parts of his life that she doesn’t know about because he doesn’t talk much. Geoff is quiet, and Sophie feels a bit envious of his silence. When he’s not talking, it’s like he’s in a different world, and Sophie wonders about the places he goes that she’s never been to. These places, whether just parts of the city or beyond, become interesting because they’re unknown and unreachable for her.
Text –
Perhaps there were also people, exotic, interesting people of whom he never spoke — it was possible, though he was quiet and didn’t make new friends easily. She longed to know them. She wished she could be admitted more deeply into her brother’s affections and that someday he might take her with him. Though their father forbade it and Geoff had never expressed an opinion, she knew he thought her too young. And she was impatient. She was conscious of a vast world out there waiting for her and she knew instinctively that she would feel as at home there as in the city which had always been her home. It expectantly awaited her arrival. She saw herself riding there behind Geoff. He wore new, shining black leathers and she a yellow dress with a kind of cape that flew out behind. There was the sound of applause as the world rose to greet them.
Explanation –
Sophie wonders if Geoff has interesting friends or people he hasn’t talked about. Even though Geoff is quiet and doesn’t make friends easily, Sophie wants to be closer to him and know more about his life. She dreams of him taking her to new places, but their dad doesn’t allow it because he thinks Sophie is too young. Sophie is eager and feels like there’s a big, exciting world waiting for her outside the city. She imagines herself riding with Geoff, he in shiny black motorcycle gear and she in a yellow dress with a flowing cape. In her imagination, the world cheers for them as they arrive.

Text –
“I met Danny Casey,” Sophie said. He looked around abruptly. “Where?” “In the arcade — funnily enough.”
“It’s never true.”
“I did too.”
“You told Dad?”
She shook her head, chastened at his unawareness that he was always the first to share her secrets.
“I don’t believe it.”
“There I was looking at the clothes in Royce’s window when someone came and stood beside me, and I looked around and who should it be but Danny Casey.”
Explanation –
Sophie tells her brother that she met Danny Casey, and he is surprised. Geoff doesn’t believe her and asks if she told their dad. Sophie didn’t share with their dad, feeling a bit upset that Geoff is usually the one who knows her secrets first. Despite Geoff’s doubt, Sophie explains that she was in the arcade looking at clothes when Danny Casey unexpectedly stood next to her.
Text –
“All right, what does he look like?”
“Oh come on, you know what he looks like.”
“Close to, I mean.”
“Well — he has green eyes. Gentle eyes. And he’s not so tall as you’d think…” She wondered if she should say
about his teeth, but decided against it. Their father had washed when he came in and his face and arms were shiny and pink and he smelled of soap.
He switched on the television, tossed one of little Derek’s shoes from his chair onto the sofa, and sat down with an grunt.
“Sophie met Danny Casey,” Geoff said.
Sophie wriggled where she was sitting at the table. Her father turned his head on his thick neck to look at
her. His expression was one of disdain.
“It’s true,” Geoff said.
“I once knew a man who had known Tom Finney,” his father said reverently to the television. “But that was a
long time ago.”
“You told us,” Geoff said.
“Casey might be that good some day.”
“Better than that even. He’s the best.”
“If he keeps his head on his shoulders. If they look after him properly. A lot of distractions for a youngster in
the game these days.”
Explanation –
Geoff asks what Danny Casey looks like, and Sophie describes him, mentioning his green and gentle eyes. She hesitates to talk about his teeth. Their dad, who just washed up, seems disinterested and turns on the TV. Geoff tells their dad that Sophie met Danny Casey, and despite her squirming, their dad looks unimpressed. Their dad reminisces about someone who knew a famous person from the past. Geoff mentions they’ve heard the story before. Their dad acknowledges that Casey might become really good but warns about the distractions in the game for young players.
Text –
“He’ll be all right. He’s with the best team in the country.”
“He’s very young yet.”
“He’s older than I am.”
“Too young really for the first team.”
“You can’t argue with that sort of ability.”
“He’s going to buy a shop,” Sophie said from the table. Her father grimaced. “Where’d you hear that?”
“He told me so.”
He muttered something inaudible and dragged himself round in his chair. “This another of your wild stories?”
“She met him in the arcade,” Geoff said, and told him how it had been.
“One of these days you’re going to talk yourself into a load of trouble,” her father said aggressively.
“Geoff knows it’s true, don’t you Geoff?”
“He don’t believe you-though he’d like to.
Explanation –
Geoff and their dad discuss Danny Casey, and Geoff reassures their dad that Danny will be fine because he’s with the best team. Their dad expresses concern because Danny is very young, but Geoff points out that Danny is older than him. Despite his youth, Danny is talented enough to be in the first team. Sophie chimes in, saying Danny wants to buy a shop. Their dad reacts negatively, asking where she heard that. Sophie reveals that Danny told her himself, and Geoff explains the story of how they met in the arcade.
Her dad warns Sophie that she might get into trouble with her talking. Sophie defends herself, saying Geoff knows it’s true, but her dad doesn’t believe her, even though Geoff secretly wishes he could.
Text –
“It was nothing like that, Geoff — it was me spoke first. When I saw who it was, I said, “Excuse me, but aren’t you Danny Casey?” And he looked sort of surprised. And he said, “Yes, that’s right.” And I knew it must be him because he had the accent, you know, like when they interviewed him on the television. So I asked him for an autograph for little Derek, but neither of us had any paper or a pen. So then we just talked a bit. About the clothes in Royce’s window. He seemed lonely. After all, it’s a long way from the west of Ireland. And then, just as he was going, he said, if I would care to meet him next week he would give me an autograph then. Of course, I said I would.”
Explanation –
Sophie explains to Geoff that when she saw Danny Casey, she spoke to him first. She recognized him from his accent on television. Sophie asked for an autograph for little Derek, but they didn’t have paper or a pen. So, they chatted about the clothes in Royce’s window. Sophie felt that Danny seemed lonely, being far from his home in the west of Ireland. As he was leaving, Danny suggested they meet up sometime.
Text –
“As if he’d ever show up.”
“You do believe me now, don’t you?”
He dragged his jacket, which was shiny and shapeless, from the back of the chair and pushed his arms into it. She wished he paid more attention to his appearance. Wished he cared more about clothes. He was tall with a strong dark face. Handsome, she thought.
“It’s the unlikeliest thing I ever heard,” he said.

Explanation –
“He won’t come, like I thought.” “Now, do you trust me?” He put on his shiny, baggy jacket. She wished he cared more about how he looked and his clothes. He was tall and good-looking with a strong, dark face. “What you’re saying is very hard to believe,” he said.
Text –
On Saturday they made their weekly pilgrimage to watch United. Sophie and her father and little Derek went down near the goal — Geoff, as always, went with his mates higher up. United won two-nil and Casey drove in the second goal, a blend of innocence and Irish genius, going round the two big defenders on the edge of the penalty area, with her father screaming for him to pass, and beating the hesitant goalkeeper from a dozen yards. Sophie glowed with pride. Afterwards Geoff was ecstatic.

Explanation –
On Saturdays, they always went to watch their favorite team, United. Sophie, her dad, and little Derek sat close to the goal, while Geoff joined his friends higher up. United won two-nil, and Casey scored the second goal with a skillful move, going past two big defenders and scoring from a short distance. Sophie felt really proud. Later, Geoff was extremely happy and excited about the victory.
Text –
“I wish he was an Englishman,” someone said on the bus.
“Ireland’ll win the World Cup,” little Derek told his mother when Sophie brought him home. Her father was
gone to the pub to celebrate.
“What’s this you’ve been telling?” Jansie said, next week.
“About what?”
“Your Geoff told our Frank you met Danny Casey.” This wasn’t an inquisition, just Jansie being nosey.
But Sophie was startled.
“Oh, that.”
Jansie frowned, sensing she was covering. “Yes — that.”
“Well-yes, I did.”
“You never did?” Jansie exclaimed.
Explanation –
Alright, let me break it down. Someone on the bus said they wished a person was English. Then, a little kid named Derek confidently told his mom that Ireland would win the World Cup. The mom’s father was at the pub celebrating something.
Later, a nosy person named Jansie asked Derek about something he said last week. Derek’s sister Sophie got a bit surprised and asked about what. Jansie mentioned that Derek told someone named Frank that Sophie met someone named Danny Casey.
Sophie was caught off guard but admitted to meeting Danny Casey. Jansie was just being curious, not interrogating. So, it’s like a little gossip going on about Sophie meeting this Danny Casey person.
Text –
Sophie glared at the ground. Damn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing. It was meant to be something special just between them. Something secret. It wasn’t a Jansie kind of thing at all. Tell gawky Jansie something like that and the whole neighbourhood would get to know it. Damn that Geoff, was nothing sacred?
“It’s a secret — meant to be.”
“I’ll keep a secret, Soaf, you know that.”
“I wasn’t going to tell anyone. There’ll be a right old row if my dad gets to hear about it.”
Jansie blinked. “A row? I’d have thought he’d be chuffed as anything.”
Explanation –
Sophie is pretty upset because her brother Geoff spilled the beans about something that was supposed to be just between them. It was like a special secret meant only for Sophie and Geoff, but now Jansie knows about it. Sophie is frustrated with Geoff because Jansie tends to gossip, and if she finds out, the whole neighborhood might know. Sophie tells Jansie that it’s a secret and meant to stay that way.
Jansie promises to keep secrets, but Sophie is worried that if her dad finds out, there will be a big argument. Jansie, surprisingly, thought Sophie’s dad would be happy about it (chuffed means pleased or proud), but Sophie sees it differently.
Text –
She realised then that Jansie didn’t know about the date bit — Geoff hadn’t told about that. She breathed more easily. So Geoff hadn’t let her down after all. He believed in her after all. After all some things might be sacred.
“It was just a little thing really. I asked him for an autograph, but we hadn’t any paper or a pen so it was no
good.” How much had Geoff said? “Jesus, I wish I’d have been there.”
“Of course, my dad didn’t want to believe it. You know what a misery he is. But the last thing I need is queues of people round our house asking him, “What’s all this about Danny Casey?” He’d murder me. And you know how my mum gets when there’s a row.” Jansie said, hushed, “You can trust me, Soaf, you know that.”
Explanation –
Sophie was relieved to realize that Jansie didn’t know about the “date” part of the secret—Geoff hadn’t spilled the details about that. So, Sophie felt better because Geoff didn’t let her down; he kept a part of the secret to himself. It made Sophie think that some things can be kept private and special.
Sophie then downplayed the whole thing, saying it was just a small incident where she asked for an autograph from someone named Danny Casey. She mentioned they didn’t have paper or a pen, so it didn’t work out. Sophie wondered how much Geoff had revealed to Jansie.
She also shared that her dad didn’t believe her, and she didn’t want a bunch of people coming to her house asking about Danny Casey. She was worried that her dad would be upset, and her mom wouldn’t like the commotion if there was an argument. Jansie reassured Sophie that she could be trusted with the secret.
Text –
After dark she walked by the canal, along a sheltered path lighted only by the glare of the lamps from the wharf across the water, and the unceasing drone of the city was muffled and distant. It was a place she had often played in when she was a child. There was a wooden bench beneath a solitary elm where lovers sometimes came. She sat down to wait. It was the perfect place, she had always thought so, for a meeting of this kind. For those who wished not to be observed. She knew he would approve.
For some while, waiting, she imagined his coming. She watched along the canal, seeing him come out of the shadows, imagining her own consequent excitement. Not until some time had elapsed did she begin balancing against this the idea of his not coming.
Explanation –
When it got dark, she walked along a path by the canal. The only light came from the bright lamps on the wharf across the water. The noise of the city was like a distant hum. This place was familiar to her from her childhood, and it felt comforting. There was a wooden bench under a lonely elm tree, a spot where couples would sometimes come. She sat down to wait.
She thought it was the perfect place for a secret meeting, away from prying eyes. She believed he would like it too. As she waited, she imagined him approaching along the canal, emerging from the shadows. She pictured how excited she would be to see him. But as time passed, she began to consider the possibility that he might not show up.
Text –
Here I sit, she said to herself, wishing Danny would come, wishing he would come and sensing the time passing. I feel the pangs of doubt stirring inside me. I watch for him but still there is no sign of him. I remember Geoff saying he would never come, and how none of them believed me when I told them. I wonder what will I do, what can I tell them now if he doesn’t come? But we know how it was, Danny and me — that’s the main thing. How can you help what people choose to believe? But all the same, it makes
me despondent, this knowing I’ll never be able to show them they’re wrong to doubt me. She waited, measuring in this way the changes taking place in her. Resignation was no sudden thing.
Explanation –
She’s sitting there, hoping Danny will show up, feeling anxious as time goes by. Doubts are creeping in, and she’s remembering how her brother Geoff said Danny wouldn’t come, and nobody believed her when she said he would. She wonders what she’ll do if he doesn’t show up. But, deep down, she knows the truth about her and Danny.
Even though she can’t control what others believe, it’s still disheartening that she can’t prove them wrong. She waits, observing how these feelings affect her. The realization that she may never be able to prove herself makes her feel a bit down. And this feeling of acceptance didn’t happen suddenly; it slowly settled in.
Text –
Now I have become sad, she thought. And it is a hard burden to carry, this sadness. Sitting here waiting and
knowing he will not come I can see the future and how I will have to live with this burden. They of course will doubt me, as they always doubted me, but I will have to hold up my head remembering how it was. Already I envisage the slow walk home, and Geoff’s disappointed face when I tell him, “He didn’t come, that Danny.” And then he’ll fly out and slam the door. “But we know how it was,” I shall tell myself, “Danny and me.” It is a hard thing, this sadness. She climbed the crumbling steps to the street. Outside the pub she passed her father’s bicycle propped against the wall, and was glad. He would not be there when she got home.
Explanation –
She realized she was feeling sad, and it’s a tough feeling to carry. While waiting, she understood that he wouldn’t come, and she could see the future—people doubting her, especially Geoff. Despite their doubts, she knew the truth about her and Danny. She pictured the slow walk home and how disappointed Geoff would be when she told him that Danny didn’t show up. She anticipated him getting angry and slamming the door. But she would remind herself of how it really was between her and Danny.
Feeling the weight of sadness, she went up the worn-out steps to the street. Passing by the pub, she noticed her father’s bicycle and felt relieved. It meant he wouldn’t be home when she got there.
Text –
“Excuse me, but aren’t you Danny Casey?” Coming through the arcade she pictured him again outside Royce’s. He turns, reddening slightly. “Yes, that’s right.”
“I watch you every week, with my dad and my brothers. We think you’re great.”
“Oh, well now — that’s very nice.”
“I wonder — would you mind signing an autograph?” His eyes are on the same level as your own. His nose is
freckled and turns upwards slightly, and when he smiles he does so shyly, exposing teeth with gaps between. His eyes are green, and when he looks straight at you they seem to shimmer. They seem gentle, almost afraid. Like a gazelle’s. And you look away. You let his eyes run over you a little. And then you come back to find them, slightly breathless.
Explanation –
Someone approaches Danny Casey and asks, “Excuse me, but aren’t you Danny Casey?” The person mentions that they watch him every week with their dad and brothers and think he’s great. Danny responds modestly, saying, “Oh, well now—that’s very nice.”
The person then wonders if Danny could sign an autograph. They describe the person, saying their eyes are at the same level as Danny’s, with a freckled nose that turns slightly upwards. The person smiles shyly, showing teeth with gaps between them. Their green eyes seem to shimmer, and they look gentle and a bit afraid, like a gazelle. Danny looks away for a moment, letting their eyes wander over him, and when he looks back, he feels slightly breathless.
Text –
And he says, “I don’t seem to have a pen at all.” You realise you haven’t either.
“My brothers will be very sorry,” you say. And afterwards you wait there alone in the arcade for a long while, standing where he stood, remembering the soft melodious voice, the shimmer of green eyes. No taller than you. No bolder than you. The prodigy. The innocent genius. The great Danny Casey. And she saw it all again, last Saturday — saw him ghost past the lumbering defenders, heard the fifty thousand catch their breath as he hovered momentarily over the ball, and then the explosion of sound as he struck it crisply into the goal, the sudden thunderous eruption of exultant approbation.
Explanation –
He says he doesn’t have a pen, and you realize you don’t have one either. You mention that your brothers will be disappointed. Afterward, you wait there alone in the arcade for a long time, standing where he stood. You remember his soft, melodious voice and the shimmer of his green eyes. He’s not taller or braver than you, but he’s a prodigy, an innocent genius—the great Danny Casey.
You recall seeing it all last Saturday—watching him smoothly pass the defenders, hearing the crowd of fifty thousand hold their breath as he hung in the air over the ball. Then, the explosion of cheers as he kicked it crisply into the goal—a sudden, thunderous eruption of joyful approval.
Going Places Questions Answers
Short Answer Questions:
Q.1 What did Sophie dream of doing after leaving the school? What was she expected to do?
A.1 – Sophie dreams of owning a boutique or perhaps become an actress or fashion designer as that would be a good source of money. But she was expected to work in the biscuit factory?
Q.2 What did Sophie’s brother Geoff symbolize ? Why?
A.2 -He symbolizes freedom. He has been out of school and worked as a mechanic. Sophie imagines that he visits places that she has never been to and the place where he goes holds a fascination for her. She hopes to be introduced to this glamorous world by him.
Q.3 How did Sophie mean to escape the monotony and squalor of her life?
A.3– She hopes that one day Geoff will take her away from the squalor of her home to the mysterious places that he visits. She pictures herself dressed elegantly for the glamorous world waiting to accept her.
Q.4 Why did Sophie make up the story about meeting the sport star Danny Casey?
A.4 -She made up the story as she knows that her brother, he thinks her young and immature and so does not pay attention to what she says.
Q.5-What was her father’s reaction upon hearing the story?
A.5 Her father showed disdain when he heard the story. He was used to her making up wild stories as he called her fantasies and he thought that it was one of those.
Q.6 Why did she ho to the canal after dark? Was she really going to meet Danny Casey?
A.6 She went there pretending she was going to meet Danny Casey. Nobody had believed her story about the date with Danny Casey and so she had to make them believe it.
Q.7 What were Sophie’s thoughts as she waited by the canal?
A.7 Sitting there she played with the idea of Danny Casey actually coming to meet her. She was saddened by the fact that the former situation is almost impossible. While the fact that nobody believed it could happen made her feel more sad.
Long Answer Questions
Q. Discuss Sophie’s character in the light of the events highlighted in the story?
Sophie’s dreams and disappointments are all in her mind. Discuss with reference to “Going places”.
It is natural for teenagers to have unrealistic dreams. Discuss.
Ans – Sophie belongs to a family whose economic conditions demand that she take up a fob after school. She and Jansie were to take up employment in the biscuit factory but Sophie dreams of owing a boutique. She is convinced that she would somehow be able to earn money to finance this project. And if that does not materialize, she hopes to work as a manager. She does not want to hear Jansie’s voice of reason and logic. Both Sophie and Jansie are friends, yet they were different .Sophie is a dreamer and Jansie on the other hand is practical and sensible. For Sophie, Geoff symbolizes freedom and she wishes to share the charmed world he lived in . she dreams of a glamorous world just waiting to welcome her, a world far removed from her dull world.
Her story about meeting Danny Casey is representative of her desire to be recognized as someone special. This fantasy is an escape from the mundane existence of privation and hardships. Her imagined meeting with Danny Casey and rejection by him is in fact her final acceptance of her own life. She realizes that nothing is going to change for her.