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The Tiger King Summary, Explanation, Question wise story, Question Answers Class 12

CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Book Chapter 2 The Tiger King Summary, Question wise incidents ,Explanation with incidents and Question Answers

The Tiger king Class 12 English Chapter 2 from VISTAS, The Tiger King Summary and Detailed explanation of the story along with meanings of difficult words. You can study the question wise explanation of the chapter The Tiger King. It will easily help you to answer the questions frequently asked in the CBSE BOARD EXAMINATION . Content and summary is divided into incidents took place in the story. Exercises will help you all to get deep understanding of the topic and answer the questions in exam.

Summary –

Complete chapter is classified in these events –

Tiger King –  Maharaja of Pratibandapuram

  • THE Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is the hero of this story.
  •  He may be identified as –
  •              His Highness Jamedar-
  •             General, Khiledar-
  •             Major, Sata Vyaghra Samhari,
  •             Maharajadhiraja Visva Bhuvana Samrat,
  •             Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur,
  •             M.A.D., A.C.T.C., or C.R.C.K.

But this name is often shortened to the Tiger King.

Astrologers’ Prediction

“The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions.” This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. “The child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”

A Great Miracle Took Place

The 10- day old tiger king whose name was Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur spoke up. All the listeners were surprised to see a 10- day old baby speak. The tiger king called out to the wise astrologers and the main astrologer removed his spectacles and looked intently at the little baby. The tiger king said that all those who are born have to die one day and he did not need their predictions to know this fact. He added that if they told him the manner of his death, that would make some sense to him.

The Manner Of His Death

The chief astrologer  took off his finger from his nose and looked carefully at the little prince. Then he added that as the tiger king was born in the hour of the bull which was an enemy of the tiger, hence, the tiger king would die due to a tiger.

Tiger King’s Growth & Learning

The Crown Prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger as the days passed by there were no other miracles in his childhood. As a boy, he drank the milk of an English cow, was brought up by an English governess, got lessons in English by an Englishman and watched English films just like the Crown princes of other Indian states did.  When the Crown Prince Jung Jung Bahadur turned twenty years of age, the royal state which had been in the custody of the court of wards was given to him.

Tiger Hunting Expedition

The Maharaja was aware of an old saying that you could kill even a cow in order to protect yourself. So, Maharaja Jung Jung Bahadur started out on a tiger hunting expedition.He was very excited when he killed the first tiger. He called for the state astrologer and showed him the dead tiger.  The astrologer said that though  the king could kill the 99 tigers, he had to be very careful with the hundredth Tiger.

King’s Challenge

The king asked him that what would happen if he killed the hundredth tiger also.The Astrologer replied that he would tear all his books of astrology and set them on fire. He continued that he shall cut off his hair and would change his profession from an astrologer to an insurance agent as he would not remain a good astrologer any longer.

Tiger Hunting FOR OTHERS

From that day the tigers in Pratibandapuram had a nice time as the kingdom banned tiger hunting by anyone except the Maharaja. No one was allowed to kill a tiger other than the Maharaja himself. The law was so strict that an official announcement was made that if anyone was caught killing a tiger or even throwing a stone at a tiger, his wealth and property would be taken away by the kingdom of Pratibandapuram.

Tiger King’s Oath

The king of Pratibandapuram took an oath that he would attend to all other matters of the kingdom only after he had killed 100 tigers. It was not that he feared the tiger. When the king went on his hunting expeditions, he faced danger many times. At times, his Bullet missed its target and the tiger jumped upon him. The king would fight with the tigers barehanded but each time he won and killed the tiger.

TIGER KING Was About To Lose Throne

A high ranking British officer visited Pratibandapuram. He was fond of hunting tigers and he wanted to get himself photographed with the dead tigers. He wanted to hunt tigers in Pratibandapuram also but as the Maharaja had banned killing tigers by any other person, he did not give permission to this British official also.He offered him to go on any other hunting like mouse or even a mosquito hunt but he refused to arrange a tiger hunting for this British officer. The British official’s secretary send a message to the Maharaja that the Durai that is the official himself did not want to kill the tiger. The king could kill the tiger, he only wanted to get himself photographed with the dead body of a tiger. But the king did not agree to this proposal also.As the king had refused a British officer from fulfilling his wish, he was in danger of losing his kingdom.

Gift To British Officer’s Lady

The king had discussions with his Minister over this issue.The king sent a telegram to a famous British company of Jewellers based in Calcutta.He asked them to send samples of expensive diamond rings of different designs. The Jeweller sent fifty rings and the Maharaja sent all of them to the British officer’s wife. He wanted to please her in order to make good the damage that he had done by refusing the official from going on a tiger hunt in his kingdom. The king had expected that the British officer’s wife would choose one or two rings and return the others but she just sent a reply saying thanks for the gifts and she kept all the rings. After two days the British jewelers sent a bill of three lakh rupees for the fifty diamond rings they had sent. The Maharaja was happy that he had saved his kingdom for a sum of three lakh rupees.

Tiger Hunting Continues

The king was very successful in his tiger hunting missions. In a span of ten years he had killed seventy tigers. An unplanned problem stopped his mission. The problem was that there were no more tigers in Pratibandapuram.

Tiger King’s Decision To Marry

One day the king called his minister .He said that he was yet to kill thirty more tigers.The king wanted to get married. The Minister followed the orders and he found the right girl from a state which had a large number of tigers.So every time king Jung Jung Bahadur visited his father-in-law, he would kill five or six tigers in the kingdom. In this manner, the king killed ninety-nine tigers and the skins of the tigers decorated the walls of the lobby hall of the Pratibandapuram palace.

The Hundredth Tiger

As the Maharaja has killed ninety-nine tigers, he was to kill just one more to complete his total of hundred tigers. He became very anxious and curious to kill the hundredth tiger.  All through the day and night he kept on dreaming of killing the hundredth tiger.The tiger population in the king’s father-in-law’s kingdom had also finished. He could not find a single tiger anywhere. The king was very desperate find the hundredth tiger to kill.

News Of Hundreth Tiger

This made the king very sad. He sadness came to an end when he got the news that in a hillside village, sheep was disappearing very fast.It was calculated that there was a tiger at work. The villagers were very excited and they informed the king about it. The Maharaja was so happy that he exempted the villages from all taxes for three years and set out to hunt this tiger. The king could not locate the tiger.But the king was very determined he did not leave the forest until he would find the tiger. With the passing days he became very angry and was firm to kill the tiger. In his anger he removed many officers from his Kingdom.

Dewan Arranged The Hundredth Tiger

The Minister realized that the king was very angry and he thought that if the tiger was not found soon, it could lead to destruction. The Minister found that the tiger that had been brought from the People’s Park in Madras was hidden in his house, he felt relieved. The Minister realized that the king was very angry and he thought that if the tiger was not found soon, it could lead to destruction. The Minister found that the tiger that had been brought from the People’s Park in Madras was hidden in his house, he felt relieved. The Minister along with his wife pulled the tiger into his car and drove the car to the forests where the Maharaja was hunting. The tiger did not come out of the car and the Minister had a tough time pushing the tiger out of the car into the forest.

Hunting Of 100th Tiger

The next day the same tiger was spotted by the Maharaja. He was very happy to see the hundredth tiger and he aimed at the tiger. The tiger fell down as if it had been shot dead by the king. He was overjoyed to have killed the hundredth tiger and had fulfilled his wow. The king was happy to have killed the hundredth tiger.He ordered that the tiger should be brought to the capital in a grand procession and went away in his car.After the king had left the hunters took a closer look at the tiger and saw that it was alive.  They realized that the king’s bullet had missed the tiger. The tiger had nearly fainted due to the shock as the bullet had passed close to it. The hunters were confused what to do and so, one of them aimed at the tiger and shot it dead.Then the hunters followed the king’s orders and took the dead tiger to the town in a procession. It was buried and a beautiful tomb was erected on the tiger’s grave.

The Maharaja’s Son’s Third Birthday

The king had been so engrossed in tiger hunting that he had never spent any time with his family. Now, as he had fulfilled his wow of killing hundred tigers, he gave his attention to his child. The  king jung jung bahadur wanted to give a special gift to his son on his birthday and so he went to the shopping centre in Pratibandapuram. He searched every shop but could not find any suitable gift for his son.

 Finally, he saw a wooden tiger in a toy shop and considered it to be the perfect gift. The wooden tiger cost only two and a quarter annas but the shopkeeper knew that if he quoted such a low price to the king, he would punish him.So, the shop owner told the king that the wooden tiger was a perfect example of craftsmanship and that it cost a mere three hundred rupees.

The Hundredth Tiger Killed The King

The king was very happy and he said that this was the shop owner’s gift to the Crown Prince. He took the tiger with him. The king and his son played with the wooden tiger. The tiger had been made by an unskilled carpenter and it had tiny shavings of wood pricking out of it. One of the shavings pierced the maharaja’s right hand. The Maharaja pulled it out and continue to play with the prince . The next day, there was a lot of infection in the maharaja’s right hand due to that shaving of wood that had pricked his hand.

 In a period of four days, the infection turned into a wound full of pus and spread all over the king’s right arm.Three famous surgeons were called from Madras and they decided to operate upon the king.The wooden tiger was the hundredth tiger that had killed the king Jung Jung Bahadur and thus, made the astrologer’s prediction true. So, in this manner the hundredth tiger took revenge upon the tiger king and killed him.

Prophecy Comes True

The wooden tiger was the hundredth tiger that had killed the king Jung Jung Bahadur and thus, made the astrologer’s prediction true. So, in this manner the hundredth tiger took revenge upon the tiger king and killed him.


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